Our riders work hard to meet their goals and are supported by the combined efforts of the equine, instructor, and volunteers. The program enjoys tremendous volunteer support. Community support is also evident with the collaboration of local service clubs and youth groups such as, the Tulare Youth Service Bureau, Tulare County Mental Health, United Way, and Kaweah Delta Rehabilitation Center of Kaweah Delta Hospital.
Volunteers are an important part of any Happy Trails Riding Academy activity. Without the extra sets of hands to help riders sit tall in the saddle, and guide their horses, it would be difficult to operate our program.
We are volunteer-driven, partnering with an average of 75 volunteers each week who donated more than 11,000 hours of service yearly. Volunteers’ talents are applied to a variety of tasks, but most often they work with the therapists and instructors in direct contact with our riders and horses. Other responsibilities include routine stable and pasture maintenance and assistance with fundraising and special projects.